Scientific activity

The Legal Research Institute is a structural subdivision of the National Center of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus.

The main tasks of the Institute are:

  • to conduct scientific research in the field of law;
  • to train scientists of higher level of proficiency.

The structure of the Institute includes:

  • Department of Research in the field of State Building and Information Law;
  • Department of Research in the field of Civil, Environmental and Social Law;
  • Department of Research in the field of National Security, Law Enforcement and International Law;
  • Scientific and Organizational Department;
  • Department of Research in the Field of State Building and Information Law conducts scientific research in the field of theory of state and law, constitutional, administrative and information law.The Department performs research work on the following tasks:
  • «Social responsibility in the system of interaction of subjects of constitutional and legal relations» (scientific supervisor – Doctor of Law, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus G. Vasilevich);
  • «Theoretical and applied aspects of the use of artificial intelligence in the norm-making process» (scientific supervisor – PhD in Law, Associate Professor E. Perepelitsa);

  • Department of Research in the Field of Civil, Environmental and Social Law conducts scientific research on the problems of civil, environmental, labor law, social security law and civil procedure.The Department performs research work on the following tasks:
  • «Transformation of the contract law of the Republic of Belarus in modern conditions» (scientific supervisor – Doctor of Law, Associate Professor M. Miashchanava);
  • «Directions of development of the legal status of subjects of economic relations and their associations (concerns, holdings, etc.)» (scientific supervisor – PhD in Law, Associate Professor O. Bakinovskaya);
  • «Theoretical and applied problems of participation in the civil process of the prosecutor, state bodies and other entities protecting the rights and legally protected interests of other persons on their own behalf» (scientific supervisor – Doctor of Law, Professor T. Taranova);
  • «Social and labor rights of vulnerable categories of workers (disabled, youth, and others) and guarantees of their implementation» (scientific supervisor – PhD in Law, Associate Professor I. Komotskaya).

  • Department of Research in the Field of National Security, Law Enforcement and International Law conducts scientific research in the field of criminal law and procedure, penal enforcement law, criminology, administrative tort law and international law. The Department performs research work on the following tasks:

  • «Restoration of social justice as a task of law enforcement policy of the Republic of Belarus» (scientific supervisor – PhD in Law, Associate Professor A. Shidlovsky);
  • «International legal support and national regulation of the protection of the interests of the Republic of Belarus in the context of unilateral sanctions» (scientific supervisor – Doctor of Law, Professor A. Douhan).

  • Scientific and Organizational Department

The main tasks of the department are:

  • to promote scientific research in the field of law;
  • to provide training and certification of scientists of higher level of proficiency.

Scientific secretary coordinates planning and execution of research works at the Institute and ensures the activities of the Academic Council of the Legal Research Institute.

The Academic Council is a permanent collegial governing body to ensure certain functions of the Legal Research Institute in the field of scientific activity.

In 2008-2023 researchers of the Institute published more than 3300 works, including more than 90 monographs, 30 collections of scientific papers and articles, 1700 scientific articles.

The Center publishes a collection of scientific works entitled «Law in the Contemporary Belarusian Society» and a collection of scientific articles entitled «Dynamics of Legal Establishment and Implementation in the Sphere of Public Legal Relations». The Center publishes the scientific and practical magazine ““. Collections and journal are included in the list of scientific publications for publishing the results of dissertations in legal sciences by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus.

Training scientists of higher level of proficiency

A postgraduate study in ten legal specialties for the training of scientists of higher level of proficiency is opened at the Center:

12.00.01 theory and history of state and law; a history of law and state doctrines;

12.00.02 constitutional law; constitutional court proceedings; municipal law;

12.00.03 civil law; entrepreneurial law; family law; interstate law;

12.00.05 labor law; social security law;

12.00.06 land law, natural resources law; agrarian law; environmental law;

12.00.08 criminal law and criminology; executive law;

12.00.10 international law; law of regional integration;

12.00.13 information law;

12.00.14 administrative law; tort law; administrative court proceedings law;

12.00.15 civil proceedings; economical proceedings; arbitration proceedings.

Council for the Defense of Dissertations K 07.02.01 on four legal specialties is established and operates at the Center:

12.00.02 constitutional law; constitutional proceedings; municipal law;

12.00.05 labor law; social security law;

12.00.10 international law; law of regional integration;

12.00.13 information law.

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